Contribution and Sponsoring

I do not know who invented the myth
that good ideas spread by themselves.
Why should they?
Ernst Bloch

Wisdom Science Project is based on a good idea
and on a pure motivation.
However, in our world dominated by money, sex and power it needs your support to flourish.

We need to:

Find partners

we are looking for individuals, men and women, who want to work with us,
to study the new paradigm, to test and apply it in different fields,
or to contribute to the organization of the Project.

Find an institution

we are looking for an institution that can carry out the Project.

Find an editor

The book (The sacred key) is very expensive now, because it is printed in small quantities. We are searching for an editor who wants to bring books on Wisdom Science into the market.

Find public funds

Wisdom Science means basic research into the nature of reality. This kind of research is not a private affair, it is of public interest. We are searching for persons or institutions who can help us to get access to public research funds.

Find a private sponsor

Even in the present state the Project needs some money to carry on.
Publishing a book and running a web site creates work and costs.
Journeys have to be made to contact potential partners and so on.
For example the German translation of the book will need approximately 2000 € to be carried out.

Please contact us if you want to contribute in one way or another
and join into a positive stream
of thought and activity.

Thank You!

WSP has already received support from:

Irene Toegel
Johannes Hacker
Klaus Birklbauer
Ilse Gewolf
Kaya Jacolev
The ICG Infora